Stop Asian Hate

global collaborative project + illustration

Collaborated with fellow Asian Deaf creatives Christine Sun Kim and Ravi Vasavan (Co-Founders of in partnership with Jeff Ng (@staplepigeon, @reedartdepartment) for this global collaborative project. This collaboration brought together a Korean American in Berlin, an Indian Australian in London, Chinese Americans in Washington D.C. and New York City during historic unprecedented times.

The main message of the project was that we need all hands on deck to combat racism. There has never been a greater time to share our stories with non-Asian people. The more we share, the more space and support we get. Dr. Kiona, a social justice advocate, pointed out that racism against Asians looks different, therefore we need to acknowledge that activism consequently must look different. We’re all in this together.

‘Stop Asian Hate’ in American Sign Language

Myself, Ravi, Christine, and Jeff (in order)




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